
Ref tichetta

  • ticket > tichètta

Fonti: http://www.personal.rdg.ac.uk/~llsling1/papers/Rennellese.loans.pdf

tichetta di ticket ("bigliettu")

Fonti: http://scn.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siculish

l'italo-americano diventa la lingua standard mentre vengono usate forme semplificate della lingua inglese. In questa fase l'italo-americano controlla la sua koinè e una forma d' inglese Pidgin. Esempi di inglese Pidgin sono: "Wazza mara you?" per dire "What's the matter with you?" oppure "Sciarappa" per "Shut Up!".

In uno studio che tratta di interferenze lessicali Correazzoli osserva che i principali meccanismi d'interferenza sono quelli che dell'adattamento dei termini secondo lo schema grammaticale della lingua italiana.Oppure le parole inglesi vengono trasformate secondo le regole della fonologia italiana e quindi "Ticket" diventa"Tichetta", "But" diventa "Batti", "Job" "Jobba". Le consonanti poco familiari, come ad esempio /ks/, venivano adattate al sistema fonetico italiano inserendo una vocale epentetica e così il termine "Box" diventava "Bocchise".

Alcuni fonemi scomparivano o venivano rimpiazzati da altri (scompariva la -H- come fonema iniziale mentre la /th/ diventava -D-. Un altro fenomeno d'interferenza riguardava il cambiamento del significato delle parole sotto l'influenza del modello inglese monofono. "Fattoria" (farm) stava a significare "factory", "spellare" (to skin) sta ad indicare "to spell" e così via. L'interferenza semantica produce nuove frasi dovute al calco dei morfermi della lingua nativa, ad esempio "to make troubles" veniva tradotto come "fare disturbi".

Fonti: http://www.funteaching.it/project/Dossier05/L'%20italo-americano.htm

ref tichetta/tichette (ca)


This 'haliese' — to use theterm coined by Clivio (1975) — has been described in some detail in a numberof studies.20 Examples for lexical borrowings from English includeloanwords such as trokko 'truck', basamento 'basement', morgeggio'mortgage', storo 'store', checca 'cake', cieccare 'to check', smarto 'smart',but also loanshifts such as ammissione 'admission', ital. ingresso, carro'car', ital. macchina, grado 'grade', ital. classe (scolastica). there is a core group of these new words that has become anintegral part of Canadian Italian; they may even be used in written Italian,such as in classified ads in the Corriere Canadese (where loan shifts such as licenza 'driving license' instead of patente, or fornace 'furnace' instead ofcaldaia may be found), or in the speech of those who are courageous enough to call in to the local Italian radio to have a chat with the DJ DJ: Come mai non e6 andata a Maple Leafs GardensC: 000 le tichette sono ienduta The standard Italian for 'tickets' word would of course be biglietti.

Fonti: http://www.freidok.uni-freiburg.de/volltexte/4560/pdf/Auer_Italian_in_Toronto.pdf

Ref ticchetta


To get an idea of the adaptation mechanisms involved in loanword nativization, consider the common Italo Canadian words carro "car" (Standard Italian automobile or macchina) and squisare "to squeeze" (Standard Italian premere). In the case of carro the following processes have occurred: the English vowel represented by a is replaced by the Italian vowel closest to it in articulation; a final vowel is added to the word which gives it a grammatical gender (in this case masculine); and ther between vowels is doubled in conformity with a predictable phonological feature of Italian. In the case of squisare, the -are ending assigns the verb to the first conjugation, the most regular of all Italian verbal paradigms, and the remaining sounds are restructured according to native pronunciation patterns. Obviously, these processes will vary in accordance to the actual dialect or variant spoken; but they do characterize "canonical" processes in the generalized ethnolect. The following chart illustrates a few common English words that have been nativized into the most general Italo Canadian form:

Standard Borrowed Word; Nativized Form; Italian Equivalent

  • store; storo; negozio
  • sink; sinco; lavandino/acquaio
  • cake; checca; torta
  • mortgage; morgheggio; ipoteca/mutuo
  • fence; fenza; recinto
  • ticket; ticchetta; biglietto
  • to push; pusciare; spingere
  • to paint; pintare; verniciare
  • to freeze; frisare; congelare
  • smart; smarto; intelligente
  • cheap; cippe; economico

Fonti: http://www.tgmag.ca/Magic/mt84.html

Ref ticchetto


Very soon after the Italians' arrival, all dialects became infused with Americanisms, quickly creating a new form of communication often intelligible only to immigrants. The new patois included such words as giobba for job, grossiera for grocery, bosso for boss, marachetta for market, baccausa for outhouse, ticchetto for ticket, bisiniss for business, trocco for truck, sciabola for shovel, loffare for the verb to loaf, and carpetto for carpet.

Fonti: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:PJmnM3nZPkoJ:www.everyculture.com/multi/Ha-La/Italian-Americans.html+baccausa+sicily&cd=8&hl=fr&ct=clnk&gl=fr

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