
ref bimmu cancia

Gender Assignment of English Loan Words in American Varieties of ... - de A Rabeno - 1997 -

onyms include bimmu 'beam' (Sicilian travu, Italian trave), biffu 'vagina'. (from 'beef') (Sicilian sticchiu, Italian vagina),

pan/panr 'party' (Sicilian banchittu/fisticchiu, Italian festa),

pipu/pipuli 'people' (Sicilian cristianu/ cristiani, Italian gente/persone), ranciu 'ranch' (Sicilian feu(ru), Italian fattoria). Even if we were to eliminate these masculine American Italian words, ...

in this variety of American Italian the words for units of measure are feminine (e.g., incia 'inch', iarda 'yard'). Since feminine gender is not the

Fonti: http://www.jstor.org/stable/455494

ref bimmo cancia

BIG PAPA's (trattoria - marketta) - Restaurant in Toronto

  • Back Up, Marcia Indietro, Becappo
  • Truck, Autocarro, Trocco
  • Garbage, Immondizia, Garbiggio
  • Beam, Trave, Bimmo
  • To Start, Partire, Stardare

Fonti: http://www.bigpapa.ca/funstuff2.html

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