
Ref bossu cancia

bossu da boss ("capu")

Fonti: http://scn.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siculish

Ref bosso cancia

Very soon after the Italians' arrival, all dialects became infused with Americanisms, quickly creating a new form of communication often intelligible only to immigrants. The new patois included such words as giobba for job, grossiera for grocery, bosso for boss, marachetta for market, baccausa for outhouse, ticchetto for ticket, bisiniss for business, trocco for truck, sciabola for shovel, loffare for the verb to loaf, and carpetto for carpet.

Fonti: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:PJmnM3nZPkoJ:www.everyculture.com/multi/Ha-La/Italian-Americans.html+baccausa+sicily&cd=8&hl=fr&ct=clnk&gl=fr

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