Ref bred
canciaAngelo Massari, who immigrated to Tampa, Florida, in 1902, described preparations in his Sicilian village prior to leaving it: "I used to interview people who had returned from America. I asked them thousands of questions, how America was, what they did in Tampa, what kind of work was to be had.... One of them told me the language was English, and I asked him how to say one word or another in that language. I got these wonderful samples of a Sicilian-American English from him: tu sei un boia, gud morni, olraiti, giachese, misti, sciusi, bred, iessi, bud [you are a boy, good morning, alright, jacket, mister, excuse me, bread, yes, but]. He told me also that in order to ask for work, one had to say, `Se misti gari giobbi fo mi?' [Say, mister got a job for me?]." (Angelo Massari, The Wonderful Life of Angelo Massari, translated by Arthur Massolo. New York: Exposition Press, 1965; pp. 46-47.)
ref prete
Alcuni di loro, spesso e volentieri, ritornarono in Calabria per qualche visita breve e quando rimpatriavano nei loro paeselli diventavano personaggi importanti e familiari.
E così bar diventava barro; automobile(car) diventava carro; lavoro (job) giobba; negozio (shop) scioppo; vagabondo (bum) bummo; scarpe (shoes) sciuse; via (street) stritta; pane (bread) prete; pala (shovel) sciabola; ferrovia (rail road) re erode; buca (hole) olio; pavimento (floor) floro; giardino (backyard) beccaiarda; recinto (fence) fenza; tetto (roof) ruffo; cantina (cellar) sello; autocarro (truck) troccu; stanza (room) rummo; parcheggiare (to park) parcare; gassosa (ginger ale) gingerella; assicurazione (insurance) asciuranza. Per dire poi Figlio di buona donna (son of bitch) dicevano sanimabicci. La pala della ferrovia diventava la sciabola del Re Erode.
Fonti: http://xoomer.virgilio.it/sanpietroinamantea/libri/fgagliardi/dolciricordidinfanzia.htm